Steelflex Mg100 Multi Gym


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PRICE: US$ 4,155.55
Steelflex MG100 Multi Gym

This state-of-the-art multi-functional training system provides ergonomics, efficient movements, for effective results thus creating a superior workout experience. Perfect pec training arms has fully adjustable range of motion. Includes Leg Press/Calf Press/Cable Column stations can perform pull ups, dips, leg press and knee raises that allows the users to build their way to a stronger body.

Key Features
Cable Column Station Lat Pulldown/High Pulley
Leg Extension/Leg Curl
Ab Crunch/Mid Pulley
Vertical Knee, Raise and Dip Station

Weight Stack Shrouds
Lumbar Support Pads
DuraFirm TM Upholstery

Instructional Placard - Included
Handgrips - Dipped PVC Handle
Driving System - Cable
Standard Weight Stack - 210 lbs (SP10/SP10A-10 lbs * 20pcs + 10 lbs. top plate)